About US
Moveuniverse is a pioneering digital solution,redefining the way travelers navigate new countries through a comprehensive digital platform offering a dynamic suite of features. Our cutting-edge, all-in-one mobile app will seamlessly integrate education, healthcare, communication,and commerce services into a single user-friendly interface, ultimately ensuring an enriching experience for all our users.
Contact Us
Our Mission
To revolutionize global mobility by providing a seamless, all inclusive digital ecosystem that empowers travelers and residents.

Our Vision
To provide a comprehensive and user-centric digital platform that seamlessly integrates essential services to enhance the lives of travelers worldwide.
How It Works
Step 01
Download & register tour any or all platforms
Step 02
Users to provide their credentials such as name, email, gender, date of birth, city, & country
Step 03
Chose the service they want to obtain
Step 04
Get linked to our associated business partners in that particular field
Our Integrated Platform
Digital Bank
Virtual School
Marketplace Integration
Booking Services
SAP HANA Integration
Telecom Soft Switch
Hajj and Umrah Services
Empowering Financial Inclusion

Digital healthcare solutions integrated into ourapp could contribute to unlocking $15 billionto $27 billion in additional economic benefitsto the KSA health system by 2030, potentiallyreinvesting 10% to 15% of projected healthexpenditure into other areas.
Integration with mobile payment systems (e.g., Apple Pay, Samsung Pay) and local payment solutions, enable users to make digital payments for travel expenses.
Mobile wallet service within the app act as a gateway to basic banking services, allowing users to store money, make payments, and access credit or savings products.
High adoption of app-based digital payment methods for remittances in Saudi Arabia reduce reliance on cash and providing cost-effective options for migrant workers.
Who We Target
Our platform serves a diverse range of individuals, including travelers and residents, addressing their unique needs for convenience, knowledge, and support
963 Mn
International Travelers
66.2 Mn
Expatriate Community
6.36 Mn
International Students